IZTECH Materials Science and Engineering
Information for Candidate Students
Who are Materials Scientists and Engineers?
Materials science and engineering (MSE), includes the research, design, and production of all materials used on various applications such as electronics, construction, agriculture machines, and space technologies. Materials scientists focus on the structure-property relations of the materials, while materials engineers focus on the design and production of the material with regard to the structure-property relations. Process, structure, property, and performance are the components of materials science and engineering.
What are job oppurtinities for Materials Scientists and Engineers?
MSE students do their internships at the end of their second and third terms. Our students can participate in the research activites of the companies located at İzmir Technology Development Area (Teknopark) in IZTECH or work at companies such as Akdeniz Kimya, NEMAK, Norm Cıvata, Çukurova Kimya, Kanat Boya, Dyo, Vestel, and BMC during their internsips.
The majority of researchers who have their master’s degree from the IZTECH MSE Department continued their doctoral studies, and are working at prestigious universities as researchers. Furthermore, those continued their careers on the private sector are usually hired by the R&D Departments of the companies.
In order to acquire more information about the MSE Department, you can check the “Materials Science and Engineering at a Glance” brochure by clicking the link.
The goal of IZTECH Materials Science and Engineering is to raise engineers who have fundamental knowledge of engineering and can utilize their knowledge in engineering and scientific applications, understand the property-production-performance relation and apply it to utilize on problems in applications, think analytically, take responsibility in projects, is aware of advances in their field, and work with people from different fields.
What differentiates IZTECH MSE Program from similar programs is that plastic materials, soft materials, and nanomaterials fields are studied alongside metals and ceramic fields. Students have the oppurtinity to study ferroelectric, piezoelectric, multiferroic materials, advanced ceramic materials, biomaterials, nanomaterials for drug delivery, and semiconductor nanomaterials. These researches are funded by TÜBİTAK and other public institutions and are conducted with the industrial establishments.
Materials science and engineering is a field that intersects with all science and engineering branches. Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Program at IZTECH started interdisciplinary masters (1998) and doctorate (2008) education in line with IZTECH’s scientific research priority perspective. MSE Department was established in 2013 and rapidly grew since then. Undergraduate education started in the 2018-2019 academic year. By 2021, both graduate degree programs continued their activities under the department. In our English-speaking department, students are given a solid foundation in science and engineering so that they can develop skills for a wide range of careers in MSE. The curriculum, which includes current topics such as nanotechnology and intelligent materials, aims to train students as promising candidates for industry as well as research and development positions.
Education, teaching and scientific activities of our department are conducted in the Science Faculty buildings, which consists of 1200 m2 closed space. Our academic staff, which is currently in the establishment phase, consists of 1 professor, 3 associate professors, 1 assistant professor, 13 research assistants, and 1 technician. The studies being conducted include necessary theoretical and experimental studies necessary for design, production, and applications of materials