Faculty Members
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Umut ADEM

B.Sc. : Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, June 2001
M.Sc. : Materials Science, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, December 2003
Ph.D. : Chemistry, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, October 2008
Research Interests
Ferroelectric and Pb-free piezoelectric materials, electrocaloric effect and electrocaloric cooling, multiferroic materials, structure-property relationship in functional materials, powder x-ray diffraction, synthesis of ceramic materials, structural and magnetic properties of intermetallic alloys.
- umutadem[at]iyte.edu.tr
- +90 232 750 7609
- https://electroceramics.iyte.edu.tr/
Prof. Dr. Çekdar Vakıf AHMETOĞLU

B.Sc. : Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 2002
M.Sc. : Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 2005
Ph.D. : Materials Science and Engineering, Universtiy of Padova, Italy, 2010
Research Interests
Green & low energy consuming manufacturing processes to make materials that can match or improve upon those that require high temperature methods, Additive manufacturing of metals, inorganics and composite systems, Processes to use waste & recycled materials, and sequestration of greenhouse gases, Porous materials and polymer derived ceramics.
- cekdarvakifahmetoglu[@]iyte.edu.tr
- https://cvalab.iyte.edu.tr/
- +90 232 750 7619
Prof. Dr. Yaşar AKDOĞAN

B.Sc. : Chemistry, Bilkent University, 2004
M.Sc. : Chemistry, Bilkent University, 2006
Ph.D. : Chemistry, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Stuttgart University, Germany, September 2009
Research Interests
Synthesis of paramagnetic nanoparticles in zeolites, protein based nanoparticles for drug delivery, synthesis of bioinspired underwater glues, protein structure-dynamics-function relationship.
- yasarakdogan[at]iyte.edu.tr
- http://yakdoganlab.iyte.edu.tr/
- +90 232 750 7617
Prof. Dr. Sedat AKKURT

B.Sc. : Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 1989
M.Sc. : Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 1991
Ph.D. : Materials Science and Engineering, Clemson University, 1998.
Research Interests
Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC), ESD (Electro Spray Deposition), Synthesis and characterization of advanced ceramics, Refractories corrosion and selection, Characterization of archaeological ceramics.
- sedatakkurt[at]iyte.edu.tr
- +90 232 750 7601
Assoc. Prof. Özge Balcı Çağıran

B.Sc. : Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Istanbul Technical University,
M.Sc. : Production Metallurgy and Technologies Engineering, Istanbul
Technical University, 2010
Ph.D. – Research : IFW Dresden, Institute of Complex Materials, Leibniz Institute
for Solid State and Materials Research, Germany, 2012-2013
Ph.D. : Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Istanbul Technical University,
Research Interests
Boron – based advanced materials and applications, synthesis and
characterization of inorganic powders, synthesis and applications of functional
nanoparticles, boron – based nanocatalysts, development of metal and ceramic
matrix micro- and nano-composite materials, powder metallurgy, process
- ozgebalci[at]iyte.edu.tr
- +90 232 750 76 15
Asst. Prof. Dr. Kemal DAVUT (Vice Chair)

B.Sc. : Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 2002
M.Sc. : Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Middle East Technical University, 2004
Ph.D. : Materials Engineering, Chair for Metallurgy of Iron and Steel, IEHK, RWTH Aachen, Carried out at: Max Planck Institute for Iron Research, Duesseldorf, 2013
Research Interests
- kemaldavut[at]iyte.edu.tr
- +90 232 750 76 27
Prof. Dr. Mustafa M. DEMİR

B.Sc. : Chemistry, Boğaziçi University, 1999
M.Sc. : Materials Science and Engineering, Sabancı University, 2001
Ph.D. : Materials Science Engineering, Sabancı University, 2004.
Research Interests
Fabrication of polymer-based nanomaterials, nanosrystal synthesis, polymer nanocomposites, electrospinning.
- mdemir[at]iyte.edu.tr
- http://demirlab.iyte.edu.tr
- +90 232 750 7604
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mertol GÖKELMA

B.Sc.: Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Dokuz Eylül University, İzmir, Turkey, 2010
M.Sc.: Metallurgical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, 2013
Ph.D. : Metallurgical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, 2018
Research Interests
Extractive metallurgy of non-ferrous metals, thermal pre-treatment and recycling of metallic scraps, powder metallurgy, rafination and quality of metallic melts.
- mertolgokelma[at]iyte.edu.tr
- +90 232 750 7603
Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahmut Barış OKATAN

B.Sc.: Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 2003
M.Sc.: Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 2005
Ph.D Materials Science and Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, US, 2012
Research Interests
Phase transitions in functional oxides and artificially grown multilayers/superlattices, Multiscale modeling of materials, Tunable dielectrics for microwave devices, Characterization of ferroelectric thin films via piezoresponse force microscope, Data visualization and analysis
- barisokatan[at]iyte.edu.tr
- +90 232 750 7618
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fatih TOPTAN (Vice Chair)

B.Sc. : Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, 2002
M.Sc. : Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, 2006
Ph.D: Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, 2011
Research Interests
Development of functionalized metallic materials and metal matrix composites for several applications including load-bearing biomedical implants and automotive applications, and understanding their degradation mechanism mainly due to tribocorrosion.
- fatihtoptan[at]iyte.edu.tr
- +90 232 750 76 11